GeoData Manager Version has been released on 6 May 2016

Changes in this version include the following:
New Features
+ Quick-look geology cross-sections of user-selected wells, using Multiple Graph.
+ Preference to set “No flow calculation” as default at Reservoir Discharge node
+ Preference to set “No flow calculation” as default at Steamfield Production node
+ Preference to implement global well filter selection at every node with well data.
+ Primary coordinate options changed to Projected / Geographic instead of Units / Degrees.
Error Corrections
* Fixed Node Select error which caused program lockup when last node or sub-node is deselected.
* Location conversion error from lat/lon to metric for multiple data entry.
* Primary coordinate selection error (toggle when coordinates re-selected).
* MT Rho Error Unit Type converted from Ratio to Resistivity.
* MT Phase Error Unit Type converted from Ratio to Angle.
* MT Rho Error values converted from log(ohm m) to ohm m.

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