GeoData Manager

GeoData Manager Version has been released

This version replaces the previous version Error Fixes Incorrect graphical display when Independent Axis is at the bottom of the graph has been fixed.

GeoData Manager Version has been released

Version Improvements Upgraded to Delphi XE 11.3. Introduced new security software, as old version failed for Windows 11. Added New Well option using KOP, ROB, FDA and well azimuth. Renamed Process/3D label to ‘Calcite Activity Quotient’ at Fluid Chemistry – by Sample nodes. Renamed Process/3D label to ‘Flow Calculations’ at Discharge nodes. Added Fault […]

GeoData Manager Version has been released

Version Improvements Added lines and labels to N2-Ar-He ternary graph. Introduced title bar multiple-click option to sort columns in multiple graph worksheets. 1. First click to sort from smallest to largest value in column. 2. Second click to sort from largest to smallest value in column. 3. Third click to return to default sort […]

GeoData Manager Version has been released

Version New Features Data IssuesList of [Test Start Time / ID] values from PT data available when entering a new Spinner run.Added link to ‘XY Caliper’ and ‘Cement Bond’ data sets at the Wells and Drilling | Casings node.Improved error message if new data for a well has a Start Date earlier than the […]

GeoData Manager Version has been released

A minor new version to fix some presentation issues.

GeoData Manager Version has been released

Error Fixes Error preventing entry of new Rock Types, Formations and Alterations lookup values has been fixed. Error affecting the entry of pre-calculated discharge and production data has been fixed. Error preventing the deletion of Rig and Equipment lookup values has been fixed.

GeoData Manager V has been released

New Features Well Interventions node added to Well and Drilling module. Capillary Tubing node added to Reservoir module. Well Events Summary table added to Well and Drilling module. This table holds events from all wells. Automatic update of Well Events Summary table as data is entered or modified. Option to refresh Well Events Summary table […]

GeoData Manager V has been released

This is the latest version of GeoData Manager, Version, released on 27 April 2021. This version includes the following new features and error fixes. New Features Ternary Graphs – Na-Mg-K (Giggenbach) – Cl-HCO3-SO4 – N2-Ar-He – General ternary graphs. Ternary graphs can use mass or molar units. Independent schema settings for ternary graphs. Individual […]

GeoData Manager V has been released

This is the latest version of GeoData Manager, version, database version 39, released on 8 June 2020. This version includes the following new features and error fixes: New Features Multiple Graph Legend fields now synchronised with Group fields Multiple Graph Group fields now saved for ternary graphs

GeoData Manager V has been released.

This is the latest version of GeoData Manager, version, database version 39, released on 18 May 2020. This version includes the following new features and error fixes: New Features Ternary Graphs – Na-Mg-K (Giggenbach) – Cl-HCO3-SO4 – N2-Ar-He – General ternary graphs. Ternary graphs can use mass or molar units. Independent schema settings for […]