
WellSim Version has been released

This is the latest version of WellSim, released on 20 June 2023 Improvements Added ability to edit Geometry or Casing within a Discharge Simulation. — Useful when matching a discharge simulation to measured data when scaling is present. Geometry edit is set to ReadOnly if Geometry uses Deviation and Casing. If a Deviation is modified, […]

WellSim Version has been released

This release corrects an error in the command-line option for bottom-up simulations.

WellSim Version has been released.

New Features in this version of WellSim Interface Auto column width options using right-click in header or detail table in main forms. Auto column width options using right-click in detail table in all edit forms. Graph dock/undock in Discharge Simulations edit form. Error fixes Incorrect fluid type at high-enthalpy feed-zone now corrected. WellSim now correctly […]

WellSim version has been released on 23 August 2019

New Features in this version New modern look to the WellSim user interface. Redesigned main menu with more intuitive grouping. Header and detail tables in main screen can be sorted by clicking on title bar. Ability to undock and dock graph and detail table in Main form. Ability to undock and dock graph in Measured […]

WellSim Version has been released on 2 July 2019

New Features New modern look to the WellSim user interface. Redesigned main menu with more intuitive grouping. – Secondary Feedzones Secondary feedzones can be modified while editing a discharge simulation. Secondary linear drawdown factor calculated during discharge simulation. Checks to ensure secondary feedzones are fully specified. Checks to ensure secondary feedzones do not use Mass […]

WellSim Version has been released on 26 May 2017

New features in this version include: Ability to edit secondary feedzones while running discharge simulations. This greatly increases user productivity and will often result in a better understanding of the wellbore characteristics. Improved detection of parameter changes that require simulations to be run again to ensure the results reflect the current parameters. == Changes of […]

WellSim Version has been released on 12 October 2016

This is a second patch for version, that corrects field selection functionality in the Export and Column Ordering & Visibility windows, changes some field names in the Measured Injectivity data table, and fixes Access database compaction. If you have already installed version or, you will need to uninstall before you install this […]

WellSim Version has been released on 11 October 2016

This is a patch correcting some minor errors in version If you have already installed version, you must uninstall before installing this version.   Changes in this version. Error Corrections * Column order procedure now works correctly for stored field selections. * Measured Injectivity and Injection Test Rates column name changes, as downhole […]

WellSim Version has been released on 7 October 2016

Changes in this version. New Features + WellSim command line version (batch mode) has been released. — Start WellSim by calling wellsim -b or wellsim –batch. — Input and output files must be listed in the BatchFiles.ini file in your WellSim settings folder. — Example input files with required format are in the BatchFiles sub-folder […]

WellSim Version has been released on 30 May 2016

This version is a patch to fix the Version Number save error experienced by users with non-English Windows regional settings.