Version: DB Version 34: Released on 21-Apr-2017
Changes in this version.
+ Graph can be undocked or docked in the Multiple Graph form.
+ Size of and position of graph in Multiple Graph is remembered for each node.
+ User-specified portrait and landscape graph sizes available at all nodes.
+ Current status of database tree view is remembered on program close.
+ Groups section of the Multiple Graph tutorial in the help guide has been rewritten.
+ Added new section to the help guide describing how GeoData Manager handles its data.
* Show/hide duplicate legends function correctly for multiple graphs with second worksheet.
* Import option now fixed for Multiple Graph.
* Count disabled fields option in Schema now functions correctly for second worksheet.
* Count null (enabled) series in Schema now functions correctly for second worksheet.
* Reset for second worksheet in Schema now functions correctly for second worksheet.
* Dependent zoom in second worksheet graph now functions correctly.
* Hidden duplicates legend displayed correctly if additional series added using the Series option.