
WellSim Version has been released on 30 May 2016

This version is a patch to fix the Version Number save error experienced by users with non-English Windows regional settings.

GeoData Manager Version has been released on 6 May 2016

Changes in this version include the following:
New Features
+ Quick-look geology cross-sections of user-selected wells, using Multiple Graph.
+ Preference to set “No flow calculation” as default at Reservoir Discharge node
+ Preference to set “No flow calculation” as default at Steamfield Production node
+ Preference to implement global well filter selection at every node with well data.
+ Primary coordinate options changed to Projected / Geographic instead of Units / Degrees.
Error Corrections
* Fixed Node Select error which caused program lockup when last node or sub-node is deselected.
* Location conversion error from lat/lon to metric for multiple data entry.
* Primary coordinate selection error (toggle when coordinates re-selected).
* MT Rho Error Unit Type converted from Ratio to Resistivity.
* MT Phase Error Unit Type converted from Ratio to Angle.
* MT Rho Error values converted from log(ohm m) to ohm m.

GeoData Manager Version has been released

This version is a patch to fix the Version Number save error experienced by users with non-English Windows regional settings.

WellSim Version has been released

This is a patch to correct an error when upgrading older databases (DB Version 5, 6 or 7) using WellSim version Any older databases will now be upgraded correctly, even if an attempt to upgrade was made with the earlier version of WellSim.

GeoData Manager Version has been released

GeoData Manager Version has been released on 15 December 2015.

Changes in this version include the following:

(+ = Improvement, * = Bug Fix, ^ = Database Upgrade)

Company Settings
+ User can load company-specified preferences for screen and graph format, including visible nodes.
+ User can load company-specified measurement units and preferred names.
+ User can load company-specified default graph schema settings.

Node Settings
+ User can show and hide menu tree nodes.

+ Python scripts are now available in Settings folder.

* Export Header error at nodes with header memo fields now corrected.
* Latitude/longitude conversion error now corrected.


WellSim Version has been released

WellSim Version has been released on 3 December 2015. Changes in this version include the following:

(+ = Improvement, * = Bug Fix, ^ = Database Upgrade)

User Assistance
+ “Feedzone Configurations” has been changed to “Secondary Feedzones” in the Menu Tree
+ Fly-over hints have been implemented in the Menu Tree
+ Error message when flow chokes changed to “Flow choked. Well pressure too low to maintain discharge.”
+ Bottom-up discharge simulation no-flow error now says “No flow above secondary feedzone”
+ Wells can now be sorted on time (the Modified value) or by well name, with fly-over hints to assist
+ “Run finished” message displayed at end of simulations.
+ Progress bar indicators change from red to green at end of simulation, to indicate successful run.

Data Checks
+ Depth calculations in measured discharge profiles now checks for data below deepest deviation
+ Measured injectivity water level depth set to 0 if null and wellhead pressure > atmospheric pressure
+ Checks implemented for deviation and casing if geometry table is empty
+ Improved checks for duplicate preferred names in Unit Preferences
+ Calc Reservoir Pressure check status now saved in Injectivity Simulations
+ Output Simulation Calc Drawdown default status for bottom-up runs is unchecked

Data Processing
+ Injectivity Simulation can now use measurements collected from any depth down to the deepest feedzone
+ Top-down Dischage Simulation error at flash depth for large depth increments has been corrected
+ Import from clipboard now accepts numbers formatted with thousands separators.
+ Measured data processing speed (Check, Apply and Save) greatly improved
+ Discharge simulations that fail but return an error code now display calculations to that point

Error Fixes
* Previous well name now removed when new database is created
* Inverted independent axis now recognised when independent axis location is changed
* When entering a new well, all data is now saved even if not “posted” by the user
* Import form now remembers the number of rows to skip when value is entered from keyboard
* Progress bar now displayed correctly for Injection Simulation and bottom-up Discharge Simulations

WellSim Version has been released

Version: DB Version 11: Released on 6-Oct-2015

New Features
+ Injection and injectivity simulations now work for underpressured wells (no wellhead pressure).
+ Improved labelling of WellSim main screen and edit windows.
+ Simulation loop can be interrupted for output and injectivity simulations.

Bug Fixes
* Parameter auto-fill on change of simulation direction corrected for secondary feedzones.
* Occasional Save errors now fixed (caused by rounding errors).
* Measured injectivity curve now correctly highlighted in injectivity simulation.

Database Version
^ DB version number increased to 11, as Measured Injectivity detail table has been modified.

WellSim Version has been released

A patch to fix the import error in all measured data modules.

GeoData Manager Version has been released

Version: DB Version 33: Released on 27-Aug-2015

New Features
+ Added mouse over graph legend to highlight corresponding graph series

Bug Fixes
* Restored unit change on graph axes using right-click

WellSim Version has been released

Version: DB Version 10: Released on 26-Aug-2015

New Features
+ Reservoir drawdown module – output simulations over a range of reservoir pressures
+ Prompt to auto-fill wellhead or feedzone fluid parameters when discharge simulation direction is changed
+ Mouse over graph legend highlights corresponding graph series

Bug fixes
* Fixed error caused by use of type values with capital letters
* Implemented preferred names to Sort form dropdown column lists

^ Database version increased to 10 because of new Reservoir Drawdown module