Getting familiar with GeoData Manager
Changing how GeoData Manager looks
Scenarios for using GeoData Manager
Help with data types and nodes
There are 3 kinds of commands:
The menu bar is at the top of the window:
Work with the current databsae
Database Manager
Open the database manager window.
Database Permissions
Manage database users and permissions.
Database Administration
Run ad hoc SQL queries on the database from within GeoData Manager read more. Only possible if the open database is SQL server.
Compact database (Access)
Compacts an Access database to remove unwanted gaps read more.
Create blank database (Access)
Create a new, empty database - read about creating databases.
Activate premissions for ... database
Access databases don't usually use permissions. However, you can use permissions on an Access database. First, use this command to activate permissions read about permissions.
Rebuild All Tables
Rebuilds the database tables. Only do this when instructed by GSDS. For an SQL server database, you must have administrator permission.
Mapping parameters ...
See here
Primary Coordinates
A flyout menu to work set the primary coordinates. The options are Projected or Geographic read more.
Field Limits
See here
Exit GeoData Manager The next option determines how GeoData Manager handles thousands and decimal separators in numbers you import. If your Windows Region and language
has your thousands separator as a ,
and your decimal separator as a .
then the options are:
Ignore thousands separator , on import
- usually choose this option
Raise error if thousands separator , in import
Replace decimal separator , with . on import
Column names
Opens a flyout menu to choose:
use GeoData Manager's default, English, name (FieldName)Custom
use your preferred names (PreferredName). Select data types to display
See here.
Set required fields for data entry
Set mandatory fields to enter for each new dataset you create see here.
My preferences
A flyout menu to work with the settings files manually see here.
Order Header Columns
Change the columns in the header window
Sort Header Rows
Change the order of rows in the header window
Order Detail Columns
Change the columns in the detail tab
Sort Detail Rows
Change the order of rows in the detail tab
Default filter
Set the filter bar to the default filter for the current node read more.
No filter
Clear all items in the filter bar read more.
Filter dropdown ...
and Filter ...
These control the behavior of the dropdown lists in the filter bar see here.
Show/hide detail filter
The detail filter lets you filter datasets by their detail data see here.
The rest of the menu options are for using site groups, see here.
Tag all
tag all datasets in the header window.
Untag all
untag all datasets in the header window.
The rest of the menu options are for using tag groups, see here.
Hide/show Detail Panel
Hide or show the Details tabs.
Undock/dock Map View
, Undock/dock Detail Table
, Undock/dock Quick Graph
See here
Open new window
, Current open windows
see here.
Select data types to display
See here.
Show datasets currently tagged
Show/hide the detail filter
The detail filter lets you filter datasets by their detail data see here.
Show/hide the P-tree system table
see here
Expand Current Node
, Collapse Current Node
, Expand All Tree Nodes
, Collapse All Tree Nodes
Change what is displayed in the database tree.Export Header
Export header data from the tagged datasets.
Export Detail
Export detail data from the currently selected dataset in the header window.
Export Tagged
Export header and detail data from the tagged datasets.
Export to Report
Print a report from the tagged datasets.
Export to 3D view
Export to a 3D view from the tagged datasets.
Export to Map
Output a horizontal slice from the tagged datasets.
Export to Cross-section
Output a slice of data on a vertical cross-section from the tagged datasets.
Export Processed Data
Output data from the tagged datasets in a range of specialized formats.
Quick Graph Settings
Define graph axes and the fields to graph.
Quick Graph Editor
Change the details of presentation.
Quick Graph Schema
Change line types, colours, symbols.
Zoom ...
Zoom all directions (all axes) or zoom independent axis only read more.
Hide/Show Top of Liner
Hide or show a symbol for the top of the liner on the graph, at the depth of the top of liner.
Hide/Show Casing Shoe
Hide or show a symbol for the casing shoe on the graph, at the depth of the shoe.
Hide/Show Major Feed
Hide or show a symbol for the feed on the graph, at the depth of the feed.
Hide/Show Top of Liner in Legend
If Hide/Show Top of Liner
above is set to show, this will hide or show a symbol for the top of the liner in the graph's legend.
Hide/Show Casing Shoe in Legend
If Hide/Show Casing Shoe
above is set to Show, then this will hide or show the symbol for the casing shoe in the graph's legend.
Hide/Show Major Feed in Legend
If Hide/Show Major Feed
above is set to Show, then this will hide or show the symbol for the feed in the graph's legend.
XY Graph
, Depth/Elevation Graph
, etc. GeoData Manager displays in this menu a list of graph types appropriate for the data sets selected. Click one of these to go to Multiple Graph and display a graph of that type. Note: if you click Multiple Graph
in the toolbar, GeoData Manager displays the normally the default graph, which is usually the one you want to see.
Apply to 2nd Worksheet
Indicate data sets for multiple graphing.
Clear 2nd Worksheet
Undo the above command.
Refresh Units from XML
See here.
Reload Python Scripts
See here.
Thermodynamic Calculator
Start the Thermodynamic Calculator.
Show/hide the P-tree system table
see here
Fill unique well identifier
see here
Run well events update
see here
, Append
, Edit
, Rename
, Delete
, Edit header
These duplicate items in the menu when you right-click a line in the header table.You can run several copies of GeoData Manager at the same time, each in a separate window.
Open new window
Open a new copy of GeoData Manager in a new window.
Current open windows
Displays a list of the current open GeoData Manager windows. Click a window in the list to select it, then click:
Switch to window
to switch to a the selected window. You can also switch to a different window by clicking a window name in this Windows
menu.Close window
to close the selected window. You can also close a window by clicking the X
at the top, right of the window.The rest of this menu is a list of open GeoData Manager windows. Temperature and Steamfield in the menu above. Click a name in the list to switch to that window.
The main reason for opening GeoData Manager in other windows is is to work with and perhaps compare different data sets at the same time. The copies are partially synchronised, like this:
You can navigate do a different node in each window, and display different data sets.
If you add, delete or change a data in one window, for example a data set or your preferences, then other windows will change accordingly. The change is not immediate, but after the the other windows are refreshed, for example by clicking on a different node, then clicking on the original node again.
Windows options
There are options in the Miscellaneous settings to control GeoData Manager windows:
Open this help guide.
Show what's new
Open this help guide at What's new
Request Support
, Report an Error
, Suggest an Improvement
Send an email to GSDS.
Tip of the Day
Check Latest Version
Starts your internet browser and connects to the gsds website to display the latest version of GeoData Manager. You can find the version of your copy of GeoData Manager in Help > About GeoData Manager.
About GeoData Manager
Has four tabs:
displays GeoData Manager's version, a copyright and links to the GSDS website.
to enter your key to register GeoData Manager.
Do not double-click in this window.
Change log
A list of recent changes to GeoData Manager.
Commands from the main toolbar:
Button | Action |
Details |
Show or hide the Details tab in the home window. |
Tag all |
Tag all the data sets in the header window. |
Untag All |
Untag all the data sets in the header window. |
Sort |
Change the order of rows in the header window. |
Order |
Change the columns in the header window. |
Before using the buttons below, tag some data sets in the header window | |
Export Header |
Export header data from the tagged datasets: Either click the ![]() Or click the button to use the same file type that you used last time; to see this type, hover the mouse over the button. |
Export Tagged |
Export header and detail data from the tagged datasets: Either click the ![]() Or click the button to use the same file type that you used last time; to see this type, hover the mouse over the button. |
Report |
Print a report from the tagged datasets. |
Multiple Graph |
Open a multiple graph from the tagged datasets: Either click the ![]() Or click the button to display the same kind of graph that you used last time; to see this kind, hover the mouse over the button. |
Map |
Output a horizontal slice from the tagged datasets. |
Cross-Section |
Output a slice of data on a vertical cross-section from the tagged datasets. |
Process/3D |
Output data from the tagged datasets in a range of specialized formats. |
A tab can be docked or undocked:
Shows a map of the sites of the data sets in the header window above.
Each site has a symbol:
Symbol | Indicates sites with |
Blue cross | data |
Grey dot | no data |
Red cross | data and selected by the filter bar |
Red dot | no data and selected by the filter bar |
Green cross | tagged data and the data set is in the header window |
Green dot | tagged data and the data set is not in the header window |
Orange circle | sites on a cross section |
To do this | do this |
Zoom in | Left-click or Left-hold and drag to right |
Zoom out | Right-click |
Pan (move map) | Right-hold and drag |
Reset map or graph to default size | Left-hold and drag to left |
Action | does this |
Click a site | Select the site; the cross turns red |
Right-click a site | Deselect the site; the cross turns back |
You can also:
Select sites by selecting them from the filter bar dropdown menu.
Deselect sites by deleting site from the list in the filter bar field.
Enter a cross section by clicking on the map read more.
Shows or hides selected cross sections. To select which cross sections, click the beside the button and select from the menu. In this menu, labels are cross section names.
Shows or hides traces for selected wells. To select which wells, click the beside the button and select from the menu.
A site is a symbol (see above), the name of the site (eg a well name) plus well traces (if the site is a well). This button toggles visibility of sites between all sites and a selected sub-set. To select a sub-set, click the beside the button and select from the menu.
A site label is the name of the site (eg a well name). This button toggles visibility of site labels between all sites and a selected sub-set. To select a sub-set, click the beside the button and select from the menu.
Toggles between East/North and Longitude/Latitude read more.
Shows the detail data of the data set selected in the header window.
Export Detail
Export the data set in the header window that you have just clicked:
Either click the to the right of the button and select an export file type,
Or click the button to use the same file type that you used last time - to see this type, hover the mouse over the button. Read about export.
Shows a graph of the data set selected in the header window. There are no toolbar commands here. To change the look of a quick graph use the Quick Graph menu.