Getting familiar with GeoData Manager
Changing how GeoData Manager looks
Scenarios for using GeoData Manager
Help with data types and nodes
A database in Microsoft Access format.
There are so many built-in data types that they are divided into categories for ease of use. For example, all well data types are in the Well and Drilling category. Read more.
The list of datatypes on the left side of GeoData Manager's home window read more.
A lookup field where you must select an item from the drop-down list read more.
You can choose data to enter into some fields by choosing from a drop-down list. Such fields are called lookup fields read more.
A node is a data type or a data type category read more.
Rights to change parts of the database read more.
GeoData Manager's internal programming language. Find the names of Python routines called at various times in the P-Tree tab.
Enter a well as a redrill if and when a well's location changes read more.
The lines on a graph read more.
A site is a data type that has a location in space read more.
A lookup field where you can select an item from the drop-down list or you can just type a value into the field read more.
A database in Microsoft SQL server format.
You can run ad hoc SQL queries on the database from within GeoData Manager see here.
GeoData Manager can use a wide range of units read more.
These are the physical properties or quantities in the program that have units. For example, Temperature is a unit type that can have units of deg C, deg F, deg R or K. Every unit type is assigned a unit, which you can change. Read more.