

Data types and nodes


Installing GeoData Manager

Simulation: Comparing actual and modelled temperatures or pressures

Comparing contour maps of temperature or pressure

This example creates contour maps of actual and modelled temperature:

  1. Decide on an elevation to make the contour at.

  2. Make a contour of interpreted temperature at that elevation following this tutorial. This is the actual temperature contour.

  3. Navigate to Simulation - TOUGH2: Simulation Runs: Grid PTS Results.

  4. In the header window, tag the grid to use. Click Map:

    Double-click the option hilit above. An ASCII file is a csv file.

  5. Elevation ?

    Enter the elevation you decided on.

  6. Enter a file name and click Save. This is the modelled temperature contour.

  7. Open Surfer.

  8. If it is not present already, add well data to the map: wellhead and bottom hole coordinates, well traces as described here.

  9. Open the two files you just created as contours in Surfer. The shapes of the two contours should match. If the modelled contour is consistently offset from the actual contour then the model needs revising.

Comparing downhole measurements of temperature or pressure

This example graphs actual and modelled temperature down wells:

  1. Navigate to Simulation - TOUGH2: Simulation Runs: Grid PTS Results: Well PT Results.

  2. In the header window, tag the wells for the Simulation Run to use.

  3. Click QuickGraph in the menu bar, then click Apply to 2nd Worksheet. This tells Multiple Graph that you want to use this data in a later Multiple Graph:

  4. Navigate to Interpreted: Temperature.

  5. Tag the wells to use.

  6. Click the beside Multiple Graph and click XY Graph. If your graph does not look like this change it.

    The shapes of the two graphs should match. If the modelled contour is consistently offset from the actual contour then the model needs revising.

  7. To exit the graph, click Return.

  8. Click QuickGraph in the menu bar, then click Clear 2nd Worksheet. This tells the Multiple Graph to ignore the downhole PT test you selected earlier (by Apply to 2nd Worksheet).