

Data types and nodes


Installing GeoData Manager

Exporting data

When you export, GeoData Manager writes the data as text. You can export:

You can later import the exported file into a compatible PC application (including GeoData Manager itself). You can export to these standard text file formats:

Format Extension
Comma separated value .csv For exporting to a spreadsheet
Space separated value .ssv
Tab separated value .tsv For exporting to a word processor
Clipboard After you export data to the Windows clipboard, you can later paste it into a compatible Windows application.
LaTeX file segment .tex LaTeX is a typesetting language for scientists and academics. It is open-source and readily available.
XML file .xml xml is a standard format for representing text data

Overview of exporting

  1. Navigate until you see an Export button.

  2. Either click the to the right of the Export button and choose an export file format or just click the Export button. If you hover the mouse over the Export button to see the default file format you will get if you click the button.

  3. The export window is displayed.

  4. In Available fields, Ctrl+click field names to export, then click to move the fields to Export fields.

  5. Usually the default options are fine.

  6. Click Save to file or Save to clipboard to export the data. Save to file will ask you for a folder and file name for the export file.

  7. Open the file in a text editor to see the data.

Selecting the fields to export

The export window has two lists:

To choose fields to export, move them from Available fields to Export fields:

To do this ... do this
To choose all fields Click
To choose one field Double click the field in Available fields,
or click the field in Available fields, then click
To unchoose all fields Click
To unchoose one field Double click the field in Export fields,
or click the field in Export fields, then click
To change the order of the exported fields Click each field to reorder in Export fields, then click , , or


Selecting the options

The export window lets you select several options for the export, for example:

Open file after export

When the export application has finished, Windows will try to open the exported file with an appropriate Windows application (a spreadsheet for comma separated value files, Notepad for space separated value files, a word processor for tab separated value files). Windows decides which application to use from its file associations.

Will not open the file.

This option has no effect on Copy to Clipboard.

Export field names

The export module will write the exported field names and their units as the first line of the exported file.

No fields are written.

Use display precision

Values will be exported with the precision currently in use in the program.

Values will be exported with their full precision.

Note If you will import the file into GDManager, WellSim or a numerical analysis application, do not tick this option, or you will loose accuracy.

Use preferred names

If Export field names is then:

The export module will export the preferred field names.

The export module will export the default (English) field names.

The field names are as in Unit preferences.

Units on separate line

If Export field names is then:

The field's unit name will appear below the field name, for example:

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3
Vertical depth Pressure Temperature
ft barg deg C

The field's unit name will appear after the field name, for example:

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3
Measured Depth [ft] Pressure [barg] Temperature [deg C]

Specifying delimiters to use

GeoData Manager inserts a delimiter (or separator) character between each field in a text file that it exports. This character marks where one field ends and the next begins. There can be problems with delimiters:

Decimal symbol Usual csv separator
. dot , comma
, comma ; semicolon

Choose the delimiters to use from the dropdown list. Usually Auto is best because it will handle all the above problems properly. The options are:

Auto delimiters

'...' or "..." delimiters

GeoData Manager applies the delimiter to the the fields of the kinds you select (Memo fields, Column titles, Other non-numeric fields, Numeric and date).

Specifying a date interval

If the exported data has one or more date fields, then you can specify a range of dates to include in the export.

This option lets you specify two values of date/time, called the lower and upper bounds. Then, if the data you are exporting has a date/time field (in Available fields) you will export only the data that is:

Set date range on

Select from the dropdown list the date/time field (from Available fields) to use to select for date and/or time. This field does not have to be in Exported Fields. If you do not choose this field, then all data will be exported.

Inclusive date bounds

If you specify a lower or upper bound:

If the data's date/time is exactly equal to the lower or upper bound then the data will be exported.

If the data's date/time is exactly equal to the lower or upper bound then the data will not be exported.

Use date limits

The lower and upper bound dates and times will be automatically set to the oldest and youngest dates and times in the data you are exporting. You can change these later.

No bounds set.

Lower bound

Use a lower bound. Enter a date and time for the lower bound in the two boxes below.

Do not specify a lower bound: the lower bound is effectively the start of time.

Upper bound

Use an upper bound. Enter a date and time for the upper bound in the two boxes below.

Do not specify an upper bound: the upper bound is effectively the end of time.

If you don't use an upper bound or a lower bound then you will export all the data.

Format specific options

Other export formats have more options, for example for export to LaTeX:

Using predefined fields

You can save groups of export fields so you can easily repeat an export without needing to select fields each time.

Saving a predefined group

  1. In the export window, move the fields you want to the Export fields list.

  2. Click Save. Enter a name for the new group and click Ok.

Using a predefined group

Select a predefined group from the dropdown menu. GeoData Manager loads the group's fields into Export fields. By default, the dropdown list shows all predefined selections. Tick Show my selections only or Show from this node only to restrict the selections in the dropdown list.

The exported file

This is a typical exported file displayed in a text editor: